How do I escape your shadow?

I have finally figured you out.

You are a know it all who gets off on showing people that you have the most knowledgeable person on a subject and what you think is right is the only thing that is right. To the point where the actual truth doesn’t matter, defeating the whole purpose of acquiring knowledge.

You think that being able to do it yourself is the best way to get stuff done, when in reality, it doesn’t matter as long as you can get it done.

I thought I had figured you out before. Thinking naively that you could be cured if only you could tame that competitive nature of yours and halt that condescending thought pattern. Little did I know that they are just symptoms of the root malaise. The keepers of the door that I must first defeat in order to see the real you.

You needed to appear knowledgeable to combat your own feelings of inadequacy towards your own intellect.

You, the light for which I am caught in the shadow of, I just want to leave. I don’t want to struggle to break free and I don’t want to give up living and obey you. They will both just strengthen you. Please just let me go we have both wasted so much time already.

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