The way I think

C/C++, Java/Java Script, Html, php, perl, verilog, vhdl, Vb, assembly, matlab, UML. This is what my thought looks like on a normal day.

All these different ways of thinking, forming a link in designing everything from wires to high level languages. My internal dialogue cluttered with junk code speech that runs in parallel with my thought, demonstrating how each and every meaning can be done through various combinations of codes. Nothing but a hindrance except when discussing matters with someone else in code speech. Makes you wonder, if one is capable of feelings if one is raised in a language such as this.

always @(posedge heartbeat or negedge conscious)

if (~conscious) emotion <= 16'hxxxx else emotion <= (injured==1'b1) ? smash : love; end What is it like to understand only 1 language? To be just a pure anglophone that doesn't have to program? Are your thoughts pure and without clutter? Are you free of all these interferences? Free of having to translate from codespeech to english? When you don't understand anything you can just demand people to speak in English, as if they are a freak for speaking in such a way. Such power, such righteousness. “Why can’t these people just speak english” ~M*A*S*H

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