Where did my love handles go?

My love handle has been a puzzling mystery to me since its first appearance 5 years ago. About the time when I entered my final years of college and started competing seriously.

I was malnourished, dance 3 hours per day and barely keeping up with passing my engineering degree. It was a blast. During that time, I’d always joke about my wish to be fat or fatter consider how skinny I looked.

I didn’t have fat on any part of me except for one area… and that is my love handle. I remember how vigorously I worked my hip muscles and how I grab the fat everyday wondering if they are disappearing. It wasn’t that I have a bad body image or got brainwashed by American TV, it was the fact that it was logically wrong to have a love handle when I was that skinny. So I tried different methods from working the muscles in that region to eating healthy. It became an obsession because it refused to go away.

I got this steady comfy job now and fleshed out all over so it doesn’t look bad when I am naked to have a bit of fat in my love handles. So I completely forgot about it. That is, till this weekend, when I discovered that my pants are falling down on its own and I have to inflate my stomach to keep them on.

I don’t know which is the cause, so I will list the changes that happened in my for the past month.

  1. Rearranging furniture for an hour every day.
  2. Breakfast: Bacon, egg, bread, hash brown patties, basil leaves.
  3. Lunch: Instant noodles
  4. Drink 5 cups of tea a day (Green or dark red)
  5. Dinner: Spaghetti & sauce with ground beef/pork
  6. Go to sleep at 10PM, wakes up at 7AM
  7. Lots of water (1L~ 2L a day)

That was it, no work out, no nothing. Moving the furniture wasn’t even physically exhausting. If you ask me what is the direct cause of it. I have to answer: The deprivation of sugar.

A tour of my kitchen will help you understand. There is no sugar in sight. Thus, the logical conclusion that comes to mind is. Different food deposits fat at different locations in the body. Sugar in the love handle and beer in the guts.

It makes sense because I’ve sustained a healthy average of 2 large cups of coffee per day with 3 cream and 3 sugar throughout the most physically exhausting part of my life and still have my love handles while they disappeared when I have an easy life but without sugar (or cream if coffee is the main cause).

If you want to go on a sugar (or cream) free diet to test out the theory, let me know what your result is.

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