Triphasic Sleep: Day 17

This is part seventeen of my Triphasic sleep experiment. Please visit this page for more info.


“Bonjour, j’aimerai fait vaccinner ma chatte, est-ce que je peux venir tout de suite ou je dois prend une réservation?”

“Oui, pour fait vaccinner une chatte tu dois réserve un rendez-vous. Avez-vous un idée du temps qui vous convienne?”

“Hmmm demain soir si c’est possible, après travaille.”

“J’ai six heure et demi disponible ici.”

“Ok ça c’est parfait. A demain.”

This is one of the shocking moments that made me realize that my skill in speaking French has improved to a point where I no longer have to think about it. It’s an indication that my language skill isn’t any worst under sever sleep deprivation. A girl once laughed at me for speaking Mandarin with her at the moment right before I fall unconscious into dream land.

The 6:30PM nap stayed where it is, since it’s been perfect so far. I adjusted the midnight nap back to 12AM to 1:30AM and experienced the normal grogginess when trying to get up. Maybe I’ll give 11PM another try tomorrow. I am just glad I made it through today even after the incident yesterday.

Core Sleep

I slept the usual 3.5 hours because of the incident in case that I am too sleep deprived. With only 1.5 hour nap and 3.5 hours core sleep today. I am surviving on 5 hours of sleep in total. Way beyond the goal of 5.5 hours per day goal I set for myself. I was in a pissy mood all day at work today.

Sore eyes

I spent the weekend totally glued to my computer most of the time, which I will reserve for a normal journal entry. I finally experienced the eye problems that everyone else is experiencing from keeping them open all the time. Well, I experienced this in the first 2 days but it was never as much of a problem as today. I think staring into the monitor too long increased the pain that I felt. Blood shot red eyes aren’t exactly my idea of fun. It’s understandable though and despite the discomfort, I much enjoyed working on project for such an extended amount of time. So I decided to adapt by switching back and forth between the left eye and the right eye.

My suggestions for all others who are experiencing eye pain. Do something else beside surfing the web.

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