Dansons: 1 Miss T.

“It’s all a fantasy”

Every movie about dancing has a hot and well established member of the opposite sex. Well, my story is no different, it is just funny when viewed in hindsight.

Miss T has brown skin (she contributed to my illogical preference in brown skin), long wavy hair, skinny and is an engineer. She is probably the only other person that I know who walks in between these two worlds. Try as I may, I never managed to find anyone else like her later in life. It is a proven fact that studying Engineering and studying dancing are mutually exclusive and she is just an anomaly.

I remember seeing her for the first time at the dance party. She was like an angel who descended from heaven with spotlights highlighting her beauty. I was mesmerized and afraid of her at the same time. By this time, I am pretty comfortable in a party setting and considers myself a veteran. But that night, I went home and I practiced like I never practiced before. She was my reason for constantly improving myself so that one day, I can dance with her and not bore her to death.

I thought to myself that night: “Until the day arrives, I will practice with air in my parent’s basement.” It was a valiant effort on my part and helped in getting me hooked to the whole charade of dancing. Later in my dance career, I realized that, I’ve been practicing all the moves wrong and had to spend double the amount of time to unlearn what my muscles takes for granted. Fantasies doesn’t pay.

But time soon ran out and I got accepted to Computer Engineering and must move away from my home town. So, at the last party of the summer, I sheepishly walked up to Miss T. held out my hand, realized that it was sweaty, swiped it on my pants and stuttered slowly:

“Would… would… like to dance?”

Looking away, I waited with thumping hearts for the relief of rejection. So that I could run home and hid myself from this whole dance thing for the rest of my life.

Next: First competition

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