Around the world: Timisoara

It’s getting harder for me to come back to civilization

People really like to make fun of others. I’ve come to realize that. Through their point of view based on very little exposure to the rest of the world.

This no longer influences me anymore because I understand that most people can only see a small part of who I am, but the real me, is the integration of multiple cultures and the things I’ve seen that have opened certain paths in my thinking.

Some people think that we take the high and mighty attitude because we think that we understand a culture completely from the few days that we visited. My journey is not about that. My journey is to understand the self through testing against different world views.

One thing is becoming very obvious to me though. That I really attract attention. It’s very hard for me to be alone, I find that people want to follow me to wherever I am. Whether it’s the kitchen when I am cooking or just chilling in the lounge. It is only with the male population though.

Thing is, amongst the male populations, I am pretty awesome. The things I’ve done, things I wear and my absolute certainty of my own ability. I really have no idea that most people are this unsure about things. I always knows where I am going and Where we are and I do not feel like I need to prove myself as I’ve already done most of the things and succeeded. It didn’t occur to me before, but this is what people look for in leadership.

Also, as I travel more, more and more people have accepted my request for friendship that I sent out a looooong time ago. At a time when I stopped caring if they accept or not.

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