The absurdity test

I think I’ve made a mistake.

Recently, I found that a great way to test whether or not an idea will be controversial enough that when it does indeed succeed, it will be big enough to warrant the risk. The great ideas such as Bitcion and Tesla motors all garnered certain type of negative tones from people. From my memory, I remember being laugh at, ridiculed, condescended upon and generally relegated to someone who is stupid that fell for a scam. But following my recent revelation that a promise is only one failure away from becoming a lie, the same can be said for scams. It is when an idea lay on the borderline like this that I believe they will eventually either go to 0 or become huge.

In the past, I’ve been ashamed of talking about ideas that I am ashamed off and it is a huge mistake. It prevents me from testing out whether or not it is controversial enough to keep going at it. Also, because I wasn’t socialpathic enough to be completely disconnect from wanting other people’s approval.

On the other hand, I have also noticed the two polar opposite types of reaction when faced with controversial ideas like this… besides disinterest that is. Either the person will try to insult or ridicule the idea, or they will be very keen on finding out how it could work and why it’s been working. It’s the latter type of peole that I want to get to know who will most likely be able to help me build out the empire.

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