No good deed goes unpunished

It is not a typo. It is the reality as depicted in game of thrones which is why it is such an addicting show because it mirrors reality.

Doing the right thing is only so that you yourself can feel good about being on this earth. Most of the time people in the position to do the right thing are in a position of power and choices. No matter what they do, they will be vilified by one group or another. Doing the right thing means leaving yourself vulnerable and giving everyone a chance to attack you. You are basically trusting that everyone you are in contact with isn’t an asshole or greedy. It feels great when it works out, but the chances of that happening is 0.5^(amount of people) in a randomly distributed setting. Even worse if money is involved. Greed trumps moral most of the time.

Which is what I didn’t consider. I got started, starry eyed, thinking that if I do everything I believe is good for the company, things will play out. Little did I know about the politics of big corporations and the jealousy as well as backstabbing that goes on behind the scene. It wasn’t until I took a drastic about face and proceeded with a scorched earth approach to everyone who I perceived is against me that things started going right. You need to use a chain saw to cut any saplings that just sprouted so that nobody will ever think of going up against you in the future. It made me realize that being in this position in a big company ultimately doesn’t suit me and I decided to go along with their proposal and terminate things. In a big company, people spend too much time on psychological warfare. It is amazing that people in silicon valley can grow a company so big in such a short amount of time without these psychological warfare. I believe that these political maneuvering appears over time and is independent of the size of a company as alliances are formed over time. In the beginning of any Startup, no matter how much money and people you have, everyone is dead set on survival and getting the product out. You get a pure 100% maker distribution.

My leaving didn’t stop my scorched earth plan from continuing on however… I hope it doesn’t cause any collateral damage to people I like as the plan has now grown a life of its own. Amazing how subliminal suggestions work.


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