A forceful change

“Have you ever done this before?”

I heard it from two different entrepreneurs now and I asked them for their feedback on what triggered them to ask this question. Mostly because I have a suspicion myself, but I also want to eliminate all doubt so I can do something about it. I came across as someone who isn’t sure about what I have to do. Whereas business owners are usually forceful and sure. Maybe because of the nature of the relationship I had with them (a lack of conflict of interest and non related field), but it got me thinking. By law of averages, if I am this open with them about my own uncertainties, the same impression could be leaking off to people that I should not be showing this to.

The reason why this has recently become important and why I have taken an interest in actually changing my natural response is several fold. The biggest reason though has to do with the need to attract quality talent. Because an early stage Startup has no inherent value to attract quality talent like a large enterprise have, whether or not good talent can be obtained depends solely on the founder. Granted, a mature enterprise have the same problem as well, but they at least have a constant stream of people that apply to work for them, by nature of the challenge, it makes them more desirable.

So, it all comes back down to the same basic rules of dating. Make yourself more desirable. It means a lonelier life, even less people I can open up to and somehow find a good balance between unchecked open honesty and attractive yet forceful domination.

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