Rite of passage

There were something else I wanted to publish yesterday in my usual trip to enlightenment on Wednesdays, but I decided to retract that instead. I have realized something new about the subject of parents between the time I wrote it and the time that it got published. It was due to an enlightened discussion with my favorite cousin that I decided to hold my opinion and double check the premises. I felt I have matured just a little bit more.

Which brings me to the topic du jour. Which is adulthood. Remember that scene in fight club where Tyler asks his dad:” Now what?”. The typical process of adulthood where you get an education, a car, a girl then a house till you eventually start a family. Every time that someone rolls their eyes and stare you down with their nostrils only to tell you to “grow the fuck up”, they are telling you that you should behave like a version of adults that have reached the end of the line of that road and before you have started asking the insane question of :”Now what?”.

To be the alpha male that protects and grows the community and breed the next generation of off springs that will most likely adhere to the same genetic predisposition due to Eugenics of survival. Ever wonders whether or not we’ll ever need to grow up if the world is perfect and it is no longer necessary to fight for survival? What would “grow up” mean in that type of world?

That’s the end of the meditation for the day. I will attempt to find an answer to the question. Nowadays, I have less and less time available to write and even less time to produce any artwork. Part of being busy and having a goal I guess and doing anything, requires a conscious effort of selection because there are so many other things that require my attention. It seem so long ago that I was still in college and dedicating days and weeks to a blog at a time., but I have nothing to write about. Now, things are happening so fast that for every entry I write, 5 interesting events have happened. I realize that I can never record them all and have to selectively present things. It’s kind of a bummer, because I really want to have a record of my whole life.

Now that my first robo algorithm has performed well under simulation, I am even busier trying to bring it online. At the same time, trading, coding and learning must still happen.

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