My favorite artist

I’ve never permanently linked anyone before, because I don’t like to be defined. Nor do I like advertising for others on this blog. That’s about to change now as I have rediscovered the true reason for this blog. This blog is about me and if someone’s work represents parts of me in an important way, it needs to be linked.

Orioto manages to bring gaming and painting together, allowing me to relive so much of my childhood memories. Those of you who knows me, know that I grew up with video games when video games weren’t mainstream and people who played video games were still picked on as nerds. It was always something that I didn’t want to mention in social settings in fear of being labeled as a loser. It will probably be unique to my generation just as the current generation is growing up permanently hooked up to an iPhone.

Orioto will be added to my website’s next layout refresh as I am finally freed up a chunk of time after finishing my taxes.

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