Funny business 26: The experience wall

Three years at the same job and another of my colleague left. Pretty much everyone that I hanged out with at the beginning have disappeared.

I am not really connecting well with the new people that was brought in as replacement. I guess at one point, somebody felt the same way about me. Alas, that is not the deep realization that I want to write about. The experience wall that I believe I felt is that of complete confidence.

In former jobs, I hit it more or less after the first month on the job, but you can’t really compare that with an actual engineering job. Up until this point, there’s at least something that throws me off guard and made me doubt my abilities and skills. Today, or this month. that doubt no longer exists.

The feeling is similar to changing diapers. You know the baby pooped, it’s going to stink and messy to change the diapers and you just have to go through the motion. Yes, just going through the motion. Another bug, another complex issue solved. Where is the sense of pride? Where is MY adrenaline rush???

It doesn’t come without its pluses though. I find that I can pretty much perform my main duties as a low priority task in my brain. While dedicating most of my interests on programming and exploration of some technical stuff. Pissed off customers who calls to yell at somebody used to phase me a bit, making me fear about the security of my job. Now they are just talking to my shit wall. Which makes me wonder, why isn’t my sales guy answering these calls? Isn’t this his job?

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