Definition of life 2009 edition

Following yesterday’s rambling about growing up, I realized that my current definition of what life is have also evolved. The last definition that I thought was a pretty good one revolves around the constancy of change as life. Simply put, to die is for everything to be the same. Looking at it from the point of view of the universe. When every single molecule in the universe degraded to the same one at the same temperature in the same energy state, nothing will happen anymore. We then achieved death in our universe. You can project the same about human lives.

So since that realization, I’ve tried everything I can to live everyday differently. But there’s something else…

At one point in my spiritual growth, I stopped asking people what they thought life is for. I stopped asking when everyone started giving the same answer: “I don’t know.” Then I met a few people who actually have incomplete answers and what they told me was pretty interesting. There is no complete answer to this question, only partial answers. You must have one if you are alive, otherwise, you’d see the pointlessness of living and just die. So I got curious again and started asking the same question in a different way…

Myself, I noticed that life is like an avalanche. Things pile up until it reaches a critical state like in the chaos theory. You see this in traffic patterns, in the stock market, in crowd movements and basically everywhere you go. Our brain probably function the same way as a critical yes vote by all the neurons in our brain decides our action.

It does not completely rebuff the change theory, but acts rather as an evolution that gives more insight into how the “gray” area of life behave. Nothing and nobody is purely bad neither can they be purely good. That’s just your perception.

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