Teksavvy Battle at the Big Barn tournament

This is a quick cheat sheet with all the most relevant information. Click on read more for details.

Prize: $1000

Time: March 31st 9AM to April 6th 5PM

Registration: TekSavvy Solutions website

To install Steam: Install Steam

To buy TF2 online @ $29.99: TF2 on Steam

To buy orange box on Amazon @ 47.99: The Orange Box

Server IP:

Tuesday Update

It seems that the admins have stopped trying to implement HLStats into the server after several failed attempts on Monday. The crowd is also smaller, heating up the competition intensely. I am now 5th on the leader board and have decided to stop wasting my time after exploring the scoring mechanism. It is a simple matter of increasing points by killing and decreasing points by dying.

I’ve been playing like I used to play, doing everything I can to defend the point, stop the flag, capture the flag and generally being a team player. But at the end of a successful cap after 3 deaths, you end up with less points than when you start off with. Since the only thing that matters is the kill/death scoring system, there’s no point in being a medic or build up base defenses so snipers can do their job etc. It’s just a big death match with two teams, making the support classes basically worthless. They should’ve held the tournament in TFC which is more oriented towards that.

Getting Connected

  1. On your steam account click on “Servers”
  2. On the Favorites tab press the right click button on your mouse
  3. Add server by IP address
  4. You can enter either gaming.teksavvy.com OR
  5. Double click on Team Fortess which has just apeared under your favorites tab
  6. Have fun fragging
  7. The , key is to change unit type
  8. The . key is to switch oppossing factions
  9. Have fun!

Rules (Unofficial)

According to some TekSavvy employee, here are the rules:

  1. Must be a TSI customer
  2. No swearing
  3. TSI employess can participate but cannot win
  4. One winner per DSL connection
  5. Must register your TF2 NIC from TekSavvy Solutions website

As for how the points are awarded it is still fluid and here are some that’s been proposed:

  1. Kills
  2. Kill/Death ratio
  3. HLstats like point system to promote team play

As of Monday March 31, we are still using the kills as a point system. You can type the following command in game chat to check stats:

  • rank
  • top
  • stats

I will report more as I play along.


This tournament is a get together of TekSavvy clients as a way to protest the traffic throttling that Bell Canada is going to apply to their resellers. TekSavvy being one of the most affected because they do not throttle their customer’s Internet traffic at all and people use TekSavvy for that benefit. This is a serious infringement in net neutrality for Canada.

All informations are obtained and filtered from the official thread here:

The official thread on dslreports.com

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