How do I get my feelings of self worth

I found my answer within a 15 minute meditation. Starting from my childhood and working my way to the present time. During this time, I discovered that I am a pretty shallow person. Let me explain.

You would thought that where I get the feeling of self worth changes over time. As my familiar world is constantly shattered and relocated so too should the reason for my pride. But that is not the case. From the day that I was born up until about the year 2006 I constantly strived for the same thing. Something that is so worthless in my point of view anyway. I get my feelings of self worth and importance from knowing more than others and from being better at something.

At least, I don’t get it from the amount of money in my bank account. Fast forward to today, I get my sense of self worth from interactions with people with the same interest and hobbies that I have. Which explains some of my recent behaviors. This, to my own evaluation, is perhaps a more harmonious approach to life and one that I should be able to thrive in. Someone once said: “When we were young, we seek to be independent, and as we grow older, we seek to be inter-dependent.” Maybe this shift is a result of that biological change.

Funny thing is, the change was triggered by a moment of crisis about two years ago. That crisis is caused by the shallowest of things: Money. Which also tells you how shallow I am for a decision to change to be because of money.

So there you have it, I give you the key to understanding me.

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