A life of unknowns

A reason question by stranger made me reflect upon my life and in doing so, the purpose of this blog that I am maintaining. The name fits my ideology and I feel right in maintainig it to stand as a witness to my life and job down the moments of extreme duress.

The question was: “How would your friends describe you?”

“Serious” was my immediate answer without reflection. True, it is a declaration that I have heard over and over, but not one that I am internally at peace with. Seriousness often brings about the impression of boredom and in doing so, decreases the interesting factor as a person overall.

I’d like to be known as the person who is “Fearless in facing the unknown”.

Among other one time descriptions, I’ve so far heard the following as well:

  • Persistent
  • Intelligent
  • Smart

Which is generally true, although my humble self cannot fathom the acceptance of “Intelligent” without retorting with some lame excuse.

With woman, they all unanimously agreed upon one description after the first date. That I think in weird ways and that I think “Outside of the box”. Whether or not it resulted in good feelings, I don’t know. I don’t believe that it is what a woman looks for in the general definition of a man. It is not necessary for the continuation of genes.

The reason why I write this post is because I’d rather be known as something else and am surprised that it is not shown more prominently in my character to eventually become the first words that people describe me by. I’d like to be known as the person who is “Fearless in facing the unknown”.

The reason that I am not THAT is probably because the things I’ve done leading up to this point in life have not been anything unique that haven’t been done before. I don’t openly brag about them because I know them exactly for that: things that others have already done.

Perhaps I am just not being wild enough or loud enough in stating that fact. At least, I finally remembered why I started this blog in the first place after losing my way for a while.

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