Waste your time away

My first brush with tower defense type of games is when I was playing Starcraft. Since then, I’ve accumulated quite a bit of experience sitting in front of my computer and staring at these endless waves of lemmings that throw themselves at your super enhanced towers.

It’s some type of guilty pleasure that I never understand. Highly addictive for some reason I can’t grasp and at the same time, the biggest time waster you can ever find. I thought I am over this simplistic type of game until I read this damn review about the 10 best flash games. Which includes the famous Desktop Tower Defense.

Granted, the graphics are crap, but it combines the essences of tower defenses into it. I won’t go into the actual game play in an attempt to spare you this useless addiction. Suffice to say, that I wasted 3 full days mastering the buildings in this game and also completed the hardest challenge: The 100.

Why did I do it? I just can’t let go of a challenge once it started. Here’s a pic of my layout. Notice that there are 3 possible exits. These are used to direct the traffic flow. the whole maze is fluid and changes with the difference placements of towers at key points.

My final layout at the end of the 100 challenge

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