Something in between

I am in the process of updating the architecture of the blog and revamping the layout. So, torn in between getting the work done and finishing an entry. I opted to write something short and mediocre to show you some daily efficiency calculations that has become second nature for me.

I will talk about those annoying coupons that comes in through the mailbox with flyers. Efficiency 101 says that cutting out and using all the coupons is a waste of your time. If you earn $10 an hour, you should not spend time on a coupon that saves you $0.10 because you can earn more money working in the time you used to cut out the coupon. Later though, I started paying attention to these coupons again. Especially the fast food ones.

Due to the fact that I don’t have any family in the continent of America at the moment and my status as a single bachelor, eating is one of the biggest headache I face everyday. Eating out every meal is expensive, and cooking your food everyday is a waste of time. So what’s one to do when you are in this situation and lead an active outdoor life? This is where these coupons come in handy.

In an active life, the fat you take in can barely keep up with the fat you burn out. So in order to keep the balance and maintain your health, it’s necessary to use these coupons and purchase meals in bulk. Four 6″ subs is a great deal for $12. Anything that equate to $3 per meal is a steal with the current eat out meal averaging at $8. Even if you are stacked for food already, it is worth it to take an extra meal that day just to gain the extra nutritions. When you are burning nutrients at the rate I am talking about, anything helps.

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