On the floor: first dance

“I am sorry, this other lady already booked me for the next dance.” I said as I grabbed a random girl around me for a dance. I apologized later for the rude behavior explaining that I really wanted to dance with her and didn’t want to lose my chance due to another girl asking me for a dance. Lies and lies, but it was done to promote positive overall experiences to strangers I’ve never met and will probably not meet again. I am more direct with friends from people’s feedback.

I usually don’t resolve to this kind of strategy to avoid dancing with someone, it’s only one dance that lasts for a minute anyway. Easier to go through it than putting the effort to come up with an excuse. So why did I go out of my way to avoid this one? Especially when she asked? The incident happened waaaaay back, back when I first started out.

She was a young, beautiful and skinny teen. With a wrinkle like dimple around the tip of her lips which comes from her French heritage. I was a nerdy chinese boy who’ve never touched hair gel in his life, with a chinese bowl cut as hairstyle sporting big nerdy goggles. Even so, I still spent the night working up enough courage to wipe my hand clean of perspirations and walk up to her to ask for a dance. She rejected me as I imagined she would, but what made this rejection turn into a grudge was the attitude she had. The “I am too good for you” disdain that crushed all but my faint belief that I can dance a 6 beat box step.

Five years after, my frame has fleshed out from lifting and dipping girls, my skills better than anyone in that room and thank god for all the patience from my female friends, I have escaped from the asian bowl cut. What about her?

She got fat and sloppy. Yet it was that snotty attitude she had that turned me away whenever I see her. Lesson? Respect the asian boy with a bowl cut, for he has walked the road of ridicule to get to this point.

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