Montreal on a rainy day

The church turned into something dark and gothic with a trick of light and shadows. Gone are the sense of serenity, in its place something ancient awakens.The desingers for La Baie did so much with simple lighting. Creating a gradient effect that contrasted against the gray buildings around it.When you exit from the rugged underground tunnels to the Central train station. Your sense will be overwhelmed by a nostalgic memory. Memory of an older and simpler time. I had to capture it in a pictureI walked everywhere for the perfect shot that'll describe Montreal's Eaton center until I sat down on a marble bench. The moment I looked up, I know that this is the shot I need to take.Mcgill on a misty rainy day. This scene reminds me of a medieval castle. Protecing Montreal from its invadersA misty night at Montreal. I grabbed my camera and ran out to take my first picture in the heavy fog. After much experimentation with aperture, shutter, exposure and ISO, this picture was born. McGill Metro, the start of the underground cityI was surprised to see the spider man working during a cold summer afternoon. This guy has been performing on this spot  ever since I moved to Montreal 3 years ago. He's one of the street performer that I respect for being confident enough and wearing that uncomfortable suit through heat and cold. Thumbs up my man.The second floor of Chapters on st Catherine street is my favorite peeping hole to draw random pedestrians while having a good cup of coffee in hand. It'll soon become my favorite place to take pictures of people during the summer time.

I finally received my camera, sniped off of ebay for $150 US. I will treasure it and take care of it as its previous owner has obviously done. In return, it’ll baby walk me through the first few steps on the path to mastery with photography.
With the P850 in hand, taking picture has changed its meaning. I stand out from the random crowd as I crouch into position before pulling the trigger. Interaction between strangers increased and intensifies as people inquire about the objective, the weather and whatever they fancy talking about with someone handling a camera. Some of them got angry at me, but most are just curious as to what I am doing.

“Rien, je m’entraîne à prendre des photos.” Une simple vérité.

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