Does god exist if we don’t?

Following the trail of reasoning from a popular question: “Did a tree make any sound when it falls if there’s nobody around to hear it?”, I started to ask if God can exist if we are not around. Or put it more vaguely, the existence of the concept of God without human. It did not answer the question directly, but rather, it put the question in a different perspective for me which made me see God for what it is. The existence of God depends as much upon us, as our survival upon God. Without our realization, God isn’t even defined or put into a role. When left alone, it’ll continue to just exist. Just like space has existed and created all these awesome events. Collapse of the stars, space folding, light, heat and cold. When seen this way, the yes or no answer I’ve been seeking ceased to be relevant to me.

It also allowed me to resolve a conflict of self that’s been bothering me. Are we an accident? Or are we God’s children with a purpose?

You see, we are limited by the words we use to ask the questions and the idea of a question itself. A word represent a concept of an object defined by our experience and evolve overtime. Every question’s concept shifts and there’s nothing definite. There are only, the relationships between the questions and their words.

The last part is the recent blurry revelations that I haven’t had time to contemplate on. It happened during my German conversation class when the teacher mentioned how North Americans don’t expect you to actually answer the question to: “How are you”, whereas Germans will think this is too personal of a question, but actually fill you in on their well being. I always thought that there’s something wrong with me after some people gave me bad looks or giving me the feeling of impatience when I actually reply with something other than “Not bad and you?”. I know I should stick with it, but I never understood why till now. All these time I thought they actually cared about me. HAHA.

And that will have to conclude today’s contemplation here, as I’ve reached the limit of my own understanding. Food for my thoughts later. One does wonder, what one’s thought will be like when the brain is completely cut off from any sensory inputs.

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