Different lives

Last weekend, I mentioned meeting some interesting people and today I finally get to sit down and compile everything together.

The one I would like to discuss is Brian, a self made millionaire who’s having a blast every moment of his life. He is the first millionaire I met and talked with and I have always enjoyed his presence. He is the type of people who, on his birthday, receives Jaguar(the car, not the animal) as present and hold an annual banquet like the ones you see in movies.

Me with brian. My face looked fat here from the weird angle and a weird surpressed smirk almost like a Yakuzo

Impressive money aside, Brian stood out by being very free with his possessions. When you visit his house, he freely shares whatever delicacies and discoveries as well as stories of his days as a reckless young lad. I am more impressed by his open mindedness towards everything and willingness to try anything. The younger Brian is the type of person that you’d find sitting alongside you in some shit hole in Africa while backpacking through the continent.

The secret to his success is knowing the right people. One important person in each domain so he never run out of expert opinions and never had to pay for them. When asked how he got so many good friends like that, he replied with: “I earned it.”

There are so much more to say about my encounter, but they are just details of a starry eyed young adult not worth wasting your time on. Things like the two port cigar and a frozen package of deer meat I received just because I happened to mention enjoying them during a casual conversation.

Summer finally arrived and it's green everywhere.

This weekend is less restricting. Spending the time with Mark, Rui and their cat Decimal. I really like their presence because I can be my ugliest self and it won’t matter. I don’t feel self conscious nor do I need to control my behavior around them.

Lethaeus finally get to meet another adult cat for the first time in her life. The encounter was tense at the beginning with everyone ready to jump in and throw the blanket on them if they start fighting and clawing at each other. Dec’s behavior is that of a disinterested ADD cat who can’t keep his attention on the encounter itself while Lethe focused her whole attention on this new moving animal that’s like her. She followed Dec around the whole house, everywhere without taking a break. Yet when Dec turns around and try to approach her, Lethe hissed and crouched into attack position. We are just baffled at the two contrasting behavior.

A staring contest that lasted forever.Cats playing tag. Lethe chased him all over the place yet growls when he tries to approach. Just like a good woman the approach has to be done on her term.

We went out for some food and hanging out at some unknown place.

I always thought that this is illegal. But the presence of this shop beside the police station says something else. Smoke always intrigued mePoker, bong, black mint tea and shish taouk. Add a TV for hokey and you can spend your whole day here. Too bad they don't sell beer, otherwise I'd spend the night as well.

When we came back, Lethe was hiding under the bed while Dec is around and about doing his own thing. Lethe turned to life when humen are back in the equation and continued stalking Dec all over the place. By the end of the night, she strut about the place as if it belongs to her. If the behavior of the animal is any indication of its owner’s, I am speechless. At least, I can take comfort in knowing that Lethe is very friendly and open towards strange human.

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