Dansons: 1 Contty

“The best dance studio in town spends the least on advertisements. They don’t want beginners and they don’t need the income.”

To those of you concerned with details: no, I’ve never seen dancing live/on stage/show/TV before at this point. So it is only natural that the first image that I saw when I entered the studio was that of a perfect picture . It seemed to me, at that time, to be a grandios ballroom with a crystal chandelier and many beautiful and elegant dancers floating around. I stared in amazement for a minute before the secretary revived my brain from shock and asked if she could help me.

I stuttered, trying to form some words

She couldn’t comprehend

I stuttered again forming some other new words… obviously they don’t exist in the english dictionary.

Having seen this several time before, she led me to a couch to sit down in case I pass out. Then, having ensured that I am still breathing, she proceeded to let me know that someone will be with me shortly to introduce me to the dances.

After a somewhat long wait, the lady that was sitting next to me started chatting to me. Asking me questions about how I found the place to what I am doing now. For your understanding, I must point out the fact that I’ve pretty much been ignored by the female population, let along talking to one who’s actually interested in finding out more about me. It added even more to the whole exhilarating experience of my first encounter with my first dance teacher (Let’s call her… Contty). I was a lamb well marinaded for the slaughtering.

Time passed by in an instant and Contty proceeded to decalre that her student is late and since my assigned teacher is late too, she’s going to teach me instead.

Next: My first lesson

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