Boolean no more

I was lounging contently in my IKEA Karlskrona chair doing nothing and contemplating about the possibilities of multidimensional implications on life, when my mind suddenly opened itself to a new possibility!

I was looking at the 4th dimension, time, in particular and wondering to myself why we can only travel in one direction when it occurred to me that I was thinking linearly. The immediate thoughts that followed are these:

  • Why is time only forward and backward?
  • What is two dimension?
  • How is a dimension defined?
  • Is the definition right and include everything that’ll give a clear cut difference between dimensions?
  • Our definition of dimensions is limited by our mind
  • The time dimension (a.k.a the 4th) can possibly have multiple directions
  • Any dimension can possibly have multiple directions
  • The concept of direction is a made up concept in the 3d world we live in
  • You cannot define direction in a dimensional sense
  • Human grow up believing that there are only two directions to everything

A problem is either solved or still causing trouble. You go forward or backward on the road, you enter or exit a door. Yet, there are lots of interactions you can have with each objects, yet it is our own upbringing that put a constraint on our thinking. Limiting the possibilities in the directions of your thoughts.
I feel enlightened as if I found a new hidden muscle in my foot that I’ve never used before, but could possibly have the potential to solve all my balancing problem while spinning and Rumba walking once strengthened.

So many possibilities so free.

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