
I've finally figured out a way to walk on my toes without appearing to be a weirdo. The trick has always been to mimic the normal walking stance so that others don't notice. But how can you fake using your heels to walk while you are always standing on our toes?

The answer lies in all the small muscles. I could never have done this without my dance training. Before when I tried to do this, i just end up looking like I was hopping up and down because instead of going heel toe, the transition between the two foot goes directly to the toe.

The trick is to use every single muscle in the foot to smooth the transition in between. That means grabbing the ground with the toe, push with that foot, put the other foot in front and catch your own weight.

Normally when we walk, we only do one thing and that is to push with our heel. Now you not only have to push, you have to control the strength and do a similar cancellation force with the other foot so that the total motion is back to null. Then start again. 4x the effort. 4 times the fun.

I tried it for a day and my legs were shaking by the end of it. Today is the 2nd day after and I am still sore in the deep muscles that wraps directly around the bones. I enjoy this feeling. Weird no?

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