pos/neg reinforcement

My dance partner used to accuse me of bad memory,reinforcing it everytime I made a small mistake and bringing doubt with the same excuse whenever I am not 100% sure about one thing (basically whenever I don't have it written down). It started working on me and I started having doubts about my own ability.

Because of this, I always triple check something I remember before getting back to someone and write down all transactions/agreements I have with people. It is a good practice but the negative reinforcement that created this habit was a confidence shattering one.

Even though I do not believe her, the constant reminder did have an effect on me. It brought doubt at first and slowly worked its way down. Its root grow because I am supposed to trust my partner. Trusting that she wants to win as much as I do and everything she does is towards that goal. (Quote by Danny Quilliam).

I later found out she's been lying about a few things. The lies are done to basically reinforce the negative trait she's trying to force upon me. To win the argument mostly by using the “your memory sucks” line. (Part of the reason why I decided to dump her as well)

Lately, several incidents happened where I have to recall on my memory and I was confirmed of my accurate memory on all occassions and I grew more and more sure that the breakup was the right thing to do.

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