The replacements

We walked in, suitcases in hand, hair dripped in gel and a big fat white fake smile on our face. Greeted josee, greeted yanick and got updated on who's doing what dance, the size of the floor, the age range of the crowd, their money, their ethnicity and off we went to choreograph 2 dances for the show.

With the stress of only 1 day to get everything down pat, I ignored the pain on my still swollen hand and all the itching patches of skin all over my body. There is just no time to whine.

The day of the show, music cd they prepared doesn't work, I worked till 4pm to get the shit together on a cd. Then drove to josee's house to put on my makeups… Thank god there's a gay hairdresser in the room. I would've done a bad job at fixing myself up under such short timeframe.

Arrived in a limousine…. saw the 900 people crowd, jaw dropped a bit, but thankfully no one saw us yet.
Looked at the price of the ticket in our hand… $90 per person. OUch for them, paying $90 for the food and us. HAHAHA

Rushed into a little packed room… a little smaller than the bathrooms at st-thomas high school in my memory. The 6 of us dancers scurried around to change into our costumes.

Did the show, screwed up a bit and did another show and screwed up a bit. But they don't know, they can't tell.

Drove back to her place at 3 am. Phew, what a stressful 2 days.

Woke up the next day with no hangover and just a bit of sore throat around 9:30am. Got ready and proceeded to meet Sonia at 11:30am and jeff at 2 pm. These… made the weekend worth it.

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