Prison calls

For months, prisoners of the state of california has been taking advantages of the free long distance speech to speech service that we provide. The agents in the call center are getting frustrated because there's nothing we could do to stop them.

Let me explain this further with a case scenario.

The prisoners would call us up and ask for a sts operator, knowing fully that they do not require the service and there's nothing we can do about it. They would even teach the person beside them how to rip us off, while we hear everything clearly on the phone. The worst ones are those who are so defiant that they even said it slowly on the phone to tease us :”This, is a free service provided by california, I am taking advantage of it and there's nothing they can do about it.”

They know that sooner or later, we'll have to take action against it, and the whole prison is lining up to call their loved ones. One of the agent heard over the background discussion that there's at least 50 people lining up at each phone booth trying to get through to us.

Today, we are given permission to do something about it. Some of the agents loved the sweet revenge they are getting and enjoys playing with them and fucking their mind while talking down to these prisoner. Now that they have the freedom, they are mentally raping them back, taking pleasure while doing so.

I disagree with that attitude and instead, just response with a short “call cannot be processed” to save them the trouble save them from me. I just hope, that it give some of those prisoners, the break they needed to fix their problems, that some of them who took advantage of us, really needed it.

Alot of them found out that their girlfriend dumped them through us, alot got hanged up by what they thought as friends before and waaaay too much, like that defiant one, just continue organizing their little group of criminals through our service, or pimp their hos.

All in all, it is an interesting peek into an otherwise unknown world to me.

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