
“Being a dancer you have to constantly ask yourself, what are you trying to show to the audience.
The audience is not here to see dance moves, they are here to see you, the dancer. Now, tell me, how would you represent your whole life, your whole being with a dance?”
-Dancing China

I understand a bit now, why I kept on going. Why my fire hasn't died yet. For one, I don't feel that my body is moving at its peak level. There's always a feeling that says I can still do more, that my body can surpass its current state.. and it has time and time again.

Then, there's the need, to show others what my dance is. I have not yet done it, because I've never had the chance to move freely on the dance floor before. With my moments restricted by rules of dancing before I reach the top level: Open.

This has strengthened my desire to keep on going. I don't care what others think, but I need to feel that yes, this is the show of my top performance, I have no more regrets after this.

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