
For a long time, I've debated on whether a constant changing environement is better for a person or a stable familiar environement is favorable for the development of a person's character.

Then a conclusion strike me hard today, as I looked upon the question from a different angle. A 3rd option that comes in a form of a new question which preempts everything.

Parents are a big factor in whether or not their offsprings intergrate into the society they live in. Hence, a familly that moves around alot to experience different culture, will not help much if the familly values and behavior doesn't favor an open mind to others.

The parents themselves have to first integrate themselves into the society, so the child can learn, through watching, how they do it and mimic… What most 1st generation immigrants failed to do is to try and socialize with the locals they live with. Instead, they stay within the circle of fellow countrymen who also immigrated.

It is an humiliating and humbling experience to be a nobody after you've wielded power and respect in the country you ditched. It is the wanting and the ease of finding that familiarity and respect again that forced the immigrants to stay within their own circle of immigrated friends. Afterall, it is only human nature. The laziness to start over again.

Understanding this, I am more immune to the effect of the familly life that I have with my parents now. However, it is eating away at my spirit I find my drive to go out there and look for chaos slowly fading. It is in the daily behavior of my parents. With their never decreasing demand for honour, pity, care and housework to occupy my free time. Free time that I need to build my networks and be amongst people my age… my kind. Their final attempt to leash me down, unconscious, yet clearly felt.

Fix fences, vaccum carpet, mop the floor, clean the car. AHHHH!!!
No. I have to be thankful, that I have a roof over my head right after I moved to a new country.

SOrry folks, my daily rant. There's just too much to do.

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